H&A NYC Electrician

Federal Pacific Electric Panel – Cost To Replace

Every home in the United States needs a safe electrical system. With a safer electrical system, you’ll be able to provide your loved ones with electricity, comfort, and safety. Sadly, your home is more than 20 years old, and it has a Federal Pacific Electrical Panel. You’re dealing with a big issue since FPE panels are dangerous.

Reliance Electric launched Federal Pacific Electrical Panels in the 1950s. Electricians relied on these panels for countless years until they found out that they were unsafe. Now, you need to fix this wrong and replace the electrical panel as soon as possible. Your home, family, and future depend on it.

The electrical panel distributes electricity throughout your home using circuits. The electrical panel can protect you by tripping the breaker when it notices a problem. It is pertinent to use a reliable, safe electrical panel to keep your house and loved ones safe.


Why FPE Breakers Are Dangerous


The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission says Federal Pacific breakers are dangerous. These panels could fail to trip the breaker during an overload. They may lock-up and may not trip more than once. Federal Pacific Electrical Panels cause 2,800 electrical fires each year because they do not trip the breaker.

Unfortunately, Reliance used low-quality, cheap materials to make their panels. As a result, their electrical panels are unreliable and unsafe. Federal Pacific breakers can create the following problems.


  • The wires may touch inside the panel box
  • Your breakers may not switch off
  • Arcing could happen
  • Breakers may trip when removing the dead front cover
  • Breakers loosen from the bus bar


Electrical inspectors recommend getting rid of Federal Pacific Electrical Panels. Do not repair one of these panels. Instead, you’ll want to replace it with a new one.

Spotting A Federal Pacific Electrical Panel

You need to quickly find out if your home has a Federal Pacific Electrical Panel. If your home does, you should replace the panel immediately. Failing to do so will increase your risks. How can you be positive that you have a Federal Pacific Electrical Panel? Before calling an electrician, you should check the panel.

Look for FPE logos on the panel. You also need to look for the words Stab-Lok. If you notice any of these things, you likely have a Federal Pacific Electrical Panel. The cost of replacing your panel will vary depending on your location and the electrician you pick.

However, most people will pay between $1,500 to $2,000 to replace their Federal Pacific Electrical Panel. Just remember that it is worth it. Replacing the panel is the best way to protect your home and loved ones.


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